Thursday, September 18, 2008

Just Writing

There simply isn't enough writing on this blog. I get so wrapped up in the pictures. So today there's just writing. It was a pretty boring day. Maybe not the best time to decide to abandon pictures. Hmmm. I read a note on my friend Missy's page about a woman who wore a bra as a shirt to a cafe. Not unlike Seinfeld. She ended with the line, "Perhaps there are still reasons to leave the house." She cracks me up. Go Missy. Today a woman at the library had a little conversation with Jonas but said nothing to me. You have to almost weave your steps when down at the library/lindo lake area to avoid the barrage of transients...perhaps there are still reasons to stay home. Thats all I'll subject you to for now. Ta-ta.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Quilt: Part Two

It's amazing what one can accomplish during "nap time." The quilt is coming right along. The pieces have now been cut apart and sewn back together...after much toil. Now to sew all of the blocks together...

Monday, September 1, 2008

New Trick

On Friday Jonas discovered his ability to spit...all over the place...he hasn't stopped since. It was particularly enjoyable during sacrament meeting yesterday. here are some pictures we took.