I've been somewhat discombobulated lately...in case you hadn't noticed. But nothing too dramatic, or even remotely dramatic. Today I just felt, lucky. Or blessed if you prefer. Could I have a better life? I think not. Seriously, I am livin' the dream. I spend my days with Jonas, coloring, making bread, hanging the wash, staking the tomatoes. Greg did all of the laundry over the three day weekend, without being asked or even hinted at. My Jonas asks me every day to plant seeds with him in the garden. He says, "Mom I like your pretty pretty dress." He will make some woman very happy someday. The Mr tells me, "you look really nice." He already makes this woman very happy.
Jonas's favorite song at the moment is Families Can Be Together Forever which I sang to him once at bedtime and he's begged for ever since. He already knows both verses, and belts them out while grocery shopping. Jonas has started demanding what he calls, "being a family." This consists of the three of us either hugging or snuggling really close. He asks for it at least once a day and we love it. "Mom, let's be a family on the couch!" Who could say no to that?
The garden is booming, our home is filled with love, we're planning to add more love and some chickens. With all of this a happy ending seems redundant.
I haven't been on blogger in so long and then I read this blog. Now I have a big huge smile taking up half my face. Thank you and I hope life continues to be as amazing as it is, now!
wow, Jonas is so BIG! Holy cow! I can't believe it!
By the way, I am so jealous of your garden.
I do love reading your blog :)
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